Hemorrhoids(Piles) it’s Homoeopathic Treatment

Hemorrhoids (Piles) its classification, clinical features, investigations, management and Homoeopathic Treatment 

I am going to discuss in the series is not too vast but an important topic of our day to day clinical practice life & this is Haemorrhoids(Piles). In our clinical practice, we get connected with many patients of Haemorrhoids with different degrees where they get complete cure by Homoeopathic Treatment. So now elaborately I am going to discuss Haemorrhoids or piles.

     So what is Haemorrhoids (Piles):-Haemorrhoids or piles are a condition, where dilated plexus of superior haemorrhoidal veins, in relation to the anal canal. Piles are swellings or swollen Haemorrhoids its occur inside and anus around, and along the anal canal. Masses, clumps, full of blood vessels, cushions of tissue support tissue, muscle & elastic fibers in the anal canal are Haemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Classification:-

[A]. Primary/Idiopathic Haemorrhoids:- 
Causes:- (1) The standing position of the human being is partly responsible for piles because blood has to flow against the gravity.
(2) Anatomical factor:- the veins passing through the submucosa of the rectum, get constricted during the act of defecation.
(3) Familial or genetic:- Absence of valves or congenital weakness of vein wall.
(4) Constipation causes excessive straining at the anal region.
Thus gravity, straining and irregular bowel habits are important factors in the development of piles.
[B] Secondary Haemorrhoids:- causes:- (1) Carcinoma of the rectum:- by blocking the veins, it can produce back pressure and can manifest as piles.
(2) Portal hypertension:-it an uncommon cause of rectal varicose.
(3) Pregnancy:– Due to compression on superior rectal veins or due to progesterone which relaxes smooth muscle in the wall of the veins, can cause Haemorrhoids.
(Next part classification depending on location and clinical features will upload… the second part
Thank you
Dr Priyanka Baishya
Dr Harikanta Das

MD (CH), Ex physiotherapists, DDRC, Lakhimpur. Former President All Assam Scheduled Caste Students Union, State Vice president, Raijor Dal.


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