Amenorrhoea,it’s types,causes,investigations & Homoeopathic treatment:-(Part 8)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS); At my last article i have described the various causes of ‘secondary amenorrhoea’;aetiology & mechanisms with common causes of secondary amenorrhoea. So from those aetiologies, Ovarian factors; ‘Polycystic ovarian syndrome’ is very common factor of our today’s clinic. So today i am going to discuss about ‘Polycystic ovarian syndrome ‘(PCOS). So what is Polycystic ovarian syndrome? Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) was originally described in 1935 by Stein and Leventhal as a syndrome menifested by amenorrhoea, hirsutism & obesity associated with enlarged Polycystic ovaries (Hirsutism :-excessive and increased hair growth in women in locations where the occurrence of terminal hair normally is minimal or absent, like face, neck).
Secondary Amenorrhoea;Ovarian factors:-
This heterogeneous (diverse kind of)disorder is characterised by excessive androgen production by the ovaries mainly. PCOS is a multifactorial & polygenic condition. Diagnosis is based upon the presence of any two of the following three criteria:-
(1) Oligo and /or anovulation (2) Hyperandrogenism(clinical and/or biochemical) (3) Polycystic ovaries. Other aetiologies (CAH :-congenital adrenal hyperplasia, thyroid dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia, Cushing syndrome)are to be excluded. The incidence varies between 0•5- 4%,more common amongst infertile women. It is prevalent in young reproductive age group(20-30%). Polycystic ovary may be seen in about 20% of normal women.
Clinical features/Symptoms:- (1) The patient complains of increasing obesity (abdominal -50%) (2) Menstrual abnormalities (70%) in the form of oligomenorrhoea. (3) Amenorrhoea or DUB (Dysfunctional uterine bleeding)and infertility. (4)Presence of hirsutism & acne are the important features (70%). (5) Virilism(Development of the sex characteristics that are typically found in men)is rare. (6) Acanthosis nigrican is characterised by specific skin changes due to insulin resistance. The skin is thickened & pigmented (gray brown). Commonly affected sites are nape of the neck, inner thighs,groin & axilla. (7) HAIR-AN syndrome :-in patients with PCOS is characterised by Hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance & Acanthosis nigricans.
Internal examination reveals bilateral enlarged cystic ovaries which may not be revealed due to obesity.

Dr.Priyanka Baisya

Dr Harikanta Das

MD (CH), Ex physiotherapists, DDRC, Lakhimpur. Former President All Assam Scheduled Caste Students Union, State Vice president, Raijor Dal.


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