Amenorrhoea;it’s types,causes and Homeopathic Treatment (Part-4)

If physical appearance; normal breast development without areolar pigmentation; scanty pubic & maxillary hair; average stature, external genitalia-Labial or inguinal gonads; internal genitalia- short blind vagina,absence of uterus then the case is Androgen insensitivity syndrome.
(7) If physical appearance – Features of(Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism; short stature; mental retardation;obesity;retinitis pigments; external genitalia, internal genitalia- underdeveloped; then the case is :-(1)Cretinism due to hypothyroidism (2) Hypothalamus -pituitary dysfunction (rare):-(a) Kallmann syndrome(b ) Prader-Labhardt-Willi syndrome. (c) Laurence -Moon-Bardot -Biedl syndrome (rare).
Now we are going for special investigations part:- Special investigations in a case of Primary Amenorrhoea to corroborate clinical diagnosis:- (A)If probable diagnosis; Mullerian agenesis (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome); Investigations :-(1) Ultrasonography:- uterus absent(2) Laparoscopy:-tubes present,ovaries normal (3) Karyotype:- 46XX; (4) IVP (Intravenous pyelogram) shows :-urinary tract abnormalities (30%)
(B) If probable diagnosis is unresponsive endometrium then; investigations of (1) Progesterone challenge test:- negative (2) HSG/Hysteroscopy:- Normal uterine cavity; (3) Hormonal studies :-Normal (C)
Uterine synechiae:- (1) Progesterone challenge test:-negative; (2)HSG:-Honeycomb appearance, (3)Hysteroscopy:-Direct visualisation, (D) Tubercular:- (1) Blood-ESR:- Raised. (2) X-ray -chest:-May have positive findings; (3) Mantoux test:- positive(usually), (4) Endometrial biopsy :-positive lesion may be detected.
(E) Hypogonadotrophic-hypogonadism:-(1) Progesterone challenge test:-negative (2)Serum gonadotrophins :- low, (3) Serum oestradiol :-low (F) Primary ovarian failure :- (1) Karyotype :-46XX, (2)Serum oestradiol :Low; (3)Serum gonadotrophins:- elevated. (4)Ovarian biopsy (ovaries -small /streak) ovarian biopsy is not essential for diagnosis:- (1) afollicular (common); (2) follicular or (3) autoimmune(lymphocytic infiltration) type.
 Follicles are present in resistant ovarian syndrome.
(G) Turner syndrome:-investigations:- (1) Laparoscopy :-‘streak’ gonads. (2) Serum gonadotrophins :-high. (3) Karyotype: 45, X O or 45, XO/46, XX.
(H) Androgen insensitivity syndrome:-(1) Laparoscopy :-uterus:-absent, Tubes :-absent, (2) Serum testosterone :- Equal to normal males (3) Karyotype :- 46,XY (4) Gonadal biopsy :-Testicular structure (I) Adrenogenital syndrome :-(1) Karyotype :-46, XX (2) Serum 17 hydroxy-progesteron :- elevated (3) Urinary pregnanetriol :- elevated
(J) Thyroid dysfunction (hypo):-Serum TSH:- elevated, T3 T4 :- Lowered
(K) Diabetes:- Blood sugar :-elevated
As per management purpose the scope of therapeutic or medicinal success in the management of primary amenorrhoea is very limited.Dr Priyanka Baisya

Dr Harikanta Das

MD (CH), Ex physiotherapists, DDRC, Lakhimpur. Former President All Assam Scheduled Caste Students Union, State Vice president, Raijor Dal.


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