amenorrhea || it’s types,causes,diagnosis,Homoeopathic Treatment(Part-2)

 Secondary Amenorrhoea:- 

Hair loss
Yesterday i have written upto secondary amenorrhoea causes ‘Ovarian factors’. So today going to start from next point; that’s [C] Pituitary factors:- {(1) Adenoma(Prolactinoma),
(2) Cushing’s disease
(3) Acromegaly}:-Microadenoma usually associated with hyperprolactinaemia. It either inhibits ovarian steroidogenesis directly or inhibits pituitary gonadotrophin release. 
(4)Sheahan’s syndrome
(5) Simmond’s disease(unrelated to pregnancy):- There is partial or complete destruction of the pituitary by ischaemia caused by venous thrombosis following severe postpartum haemorrhage and shock. The principal hormones affected are growth hormone, gonadotrophins, TSH, adrenocorticotrophins and prolactin. [D] (1) (Psychogenic shock,stress,anorexia nervosa,strenuous exercise,pseudocyesis,etc):-Inhibit the release of GnRH or affect dopamine metabolism. There is low level of oestrogen and LH but FSH level remains normal. {(2) Congenital malformation (3) Trauma:-Accidents; surgery or radiotherapy(4) Infection:-Tubercular or sarcoid granulomas, (5) Tumours:-Craniopharyngioma,meningioma}:- Lead to hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. There may be hyperprolactinaemia due to altered dopamine inhibition. Tumours of the hypothalamus or pituitary need surgical excision or radiotherapy.
[E]Adrenal factors:-(1) Adrenal tumour or hyperplasia :- Androgen excess opposes the effect of oestrogen on the endometrium. (2) Cushing syndrome [F] Thyroid factors:-Hypothyroid state:-Raised TSH and hyperprolactinaemia by direct action of TRH on the galactophore cells in the pituitary.
[G]General disease:-Malnutrition, tuberculosis, chronic nephritis,diabetes,etc.:-Probably affecting the hypothalamopituitary ovarian axis
. [I] Iatrogenic:-(1) Contraceptive pills(post pill amenorrhoea ):-Suppression of GnRH release.
  (2) Psychotropic phenothiazine derivative drugs :-Dopamine receptor blocking agents raise the prolactin level.
(3) Antihypertensive drugs like reserpine or dopamine antagonists:-Dopamine depleting agents raise the prolactin level.
Common Causes of Secondary Amenorrhoea:
(A) Hypothalamus:-Stress, Post pill, Sudden change in weight :-either too much less or too much gain,Psychotropic & anti hypertensive drugs. (B)Pituitary:-Adenoma, Sheahan’s (C) Ovary :- PCOS, Premature ovarian failure (D) Uterine:-synechiae. (E) Systemic:– Malnutrition,Hypothyroid state,Diabetes
Dr Harikanta Das

MD (CH), Ex physiotherapists, DDRC, Lakhimpur. Former President All Assam Scheduled Caste Students Union, State Vice president, Raijor Dal.


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