Amenorrhoea; it’s types, causes and it’s Homeopathic Treatment. Last part

Amenorrhoea; it's types, causes and it's Homoeopathic Treatment.

today i am going to end up the investigations par
t & will going to begin the ‘Homoeopathic way of treatment’; Investigations:-
Abdominal examination:-(1) Presence of striate associated with obesity may be related to Cushing disease.(2)A mass in the lower abdomen. Pelvic examination:- (1) Enlargement of clitoris.(2) Adnexal mass suggestive of tubercular tubo-ovarian mass or ovarian tumour. With these methods, either a probable diagnosis is made or no abnormality is detected to account for amenorrhoea. Even though there is no inappropriate galactorrhoea, serum prolactin, TSH estimations & X-ray sella turica are mandatory. If these are normal, the following protocols are followed:- 
     Step-1:- Progesterone challenge test is employed; Step-2:- Oestrogen – progesterone challenge test; Step-3:- Estimation of serum gonadotrophins is to be done; Step-4:-GnRH(Gonadotropin releasing hormone) dynamic test.
Homoeopathic Way of Treating Amenorrhoea:-‘Homoeopathy treats the patient not only the disease’- is a commonly used epigram in Homeopathy
. The Homeopathic Physician cures the sick man by reversing the diseased condition to healthy state as a whole. We the Homeopathic Physicians treats the patient in a ‘Holistic way’ I. e; Patient as a whole; by complete case taking; physical, mental, general symptoms with past history, family history. Through totality of symptoms; we should give a constitutional remedy. Yes there are lots of therapeutic medicines; but Holistic approach should be maintained. Through therapeutic way here I am going to mention few medicines, with red line symptoms but always prefer constitutional similimum in Holistic approach to attain complete cure. 

Few therapeutic way medications:-
(1) Pulsatilla:- Derangements at puberty; menses, suppressed from getting the feet wet, too scanty, too late, slimy, painful, irregular, intermittent flow, with intense pain & great restlessness & tossing about. Delayed first menstruation.

(2)Cimicifuga:- Menses; irregular, exhausting, delayed or suppressed by mental emotions, from cold, from fever, with chorea, hysteria or mania, increase of mental symptoms during menstruation. 

(3)Ferrum Metallicum:-When amenorrhoea is relate with ‘Iron deficiency anemia’. Menses, too early, too profuse, too long lasting, with fiery red face, ringing in the ears, intermittent two or three days & then return, flow pale, watery, debilitating. 
(4)Conium:-Menses; feeble, suppressed, too late, scanty of short duration with rash of small red pimples over body which ceases with the flow. 
(5)Calcarea Carb:- Menstruation too early, too profuse, too long lasting, with subsequent amenorrhoea & chlorosis with menses scanty or suppressed. (6)Sepia:-Irregular menses of nearly every form early, late, scanty, profuse, amenorrhoea Or menorrhagia.
Amenorrhoea; it's types, causes and it's Homoeopathic Treatment. There are lots of medicines through therapeutic & constitutional way. I have mentioned few medicines with few red line symptoms; there should also count generalities, modalities, Past history, family history & then a similimum medicine will give. We Homeopathic Physician select a medicine after proper case taking & miasmatic background of a case should be considered (Miasm:- Miasm denotes the dynamic disease producing power which pollutes the human organism & become the producer of every possible diseased condition). Never do any self medication; always consult with a Registered Homeopathic Physician & take consultation. As Homeopathic Medical Science treat a case through individualistic approach, so there are always different medicines to different individual. A same medicine which will come to an individual will never be the same with an another individual; So take medicines with a complete consultation with registered Homeopathic Physician & be with a good health. So the vast series of ‘Amenorrhoea’ has completed today.
 Thanks to all Readers. @DrPriyanka Baishya


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