Agnus castus pentarkan:
One of the valueable medicin for ladies. Weakness, lack of suxual desire, changing mood, suppression of menses, painful scanty menses and irregularity of periods and flow.
Pulsatilla nigricans:- It is indicat for amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea generally acrid and creamy,suppressed menses due to nervous debility or irregularity of periods or flow in oversensitive ladies. Burning during urinetion some times with spasmodic pain in the bladder.
Apis mellifica:- Specially in young Girls,dysmenorrhoea with overy pain.bearing down with tenderness over abdomen and uterine region. Menstruations prolonged up to 10 days. The remedy prevents pain in addomen during the period and and eliminates sensation pulling and sore feeling in the ovaries.
Agnus castus : It has distinct action on sexual sphere,lack of desir for sex of a ladies. Scanty menses,ammenorrhoea, weak or rare period, premensturual syndrome.
Rosmarinus officinalis: Early menses with pain, uterine haemorrhage, complaints of weak memory, Icy coldness of lower extremities.